ULMUS ‘Fiorente’ is a hybrid of ULMUS pumila x ULMUS minor bred by Prof. Lorenzo Mittempergher and Dr. Alberto Santini of C.N.R. Firenze / Italy.
The name of the variety reflects the origin but also the flower aspect of the tree in spring. ‘Fiorente’ is a significant and erect tree with yellowish leaves in spring which turn to a dark green; they stay green longer in autumn as with other elm varieties. The bark is greyish green with a silvery aspect and turns reddish brown with the years. As a tree for the city ‘Fiorente’ convinces by the loose yet elegant habitus, the branches getting steeper and the trunk very straight to the top.
Tests by the breeder Dr. Santini near Firenze showed excellent growth rates: In 23 years after establishing the cutting the glass house, the tree reached 20 m in height with a circumference 1 m above ground of 160 cm. ‘Fiorente’ therefore is very interesting for furniture wood production.
Very high resistance to Dutch Elm Disease (Ophiostoma novo-ulmi), excellent resistance to windbreak and drought.
Protected by plant breeder’s rights in the E.U. since 25.3.2010.
References + Downloads
• References: ULMUS ’Fiorente’ overview
• References: ULMUS ’Fiorente’ forest + landscape
• References: ULMUS ’Fiorente’ industry
• Product Sheet: ULMUS ’Fiorente’ (PDF, 2,8 MB)
• Download Area: other brochures and languages