ULMUS ’Rebona’ is a hybrid of ULMUS japonica x ULMUS pumila bred by Prof. Smalley and Prof. Guries, Madison University, Wisconsin / USA. It is a sibling to ULMUS ’New Horizon’.
’Rebona’ is a fast-growing middle-high to high elm with an erect leader often through to the top; the crown is egg-shaped and compact, similar to ’New Horizon’, but the leaves are a little darker and smaller.
Very tolerant to soil and water supply this variety shows excellent resistance to wind and adverse temperature conditions after the roots are well established; ideal are sunny locations and pH between 5.0 and 7.0; tolerant to flooding, even for several weeks; since the salt tolerance is good, ’Rebona’ could be planted near the seashore.
Very high resistance against Dutch Elm Disease (Ophiostoma novo-ulmi) proven by regular testing confirmed by official institutions sind 1979; high tolerance against Verticillium. Very vital and robust variety by all aspects.
Protected by plant breeder’s rights in the E.U. since 19.10.1998.
References + Downloads
• References: ULMUS ’Rebona’ overview
• References: ULMUS ’Rebona’ street
• References: ULMUS ’Rebona’ city
• Product Sheet: ULMUS ’Rebona’ (PDF, 2,2 MB)
• Download Area: other brochures and languages