ULMUS ’Rebella’ is a hybrid of ULMUS parvifolia x ULMUS americana bred by Prof. Smalley and Prof. Guries, Madison University Wisconsin / USA.
’Rebella’ is a small to middle sized tree. The top bends slightly over building a delicate fine loose crown with small and narrow leaves which turn to a reddish-orange color in autumn. The bark is silvery grey-green until the age of about six years and then turns to reddish-brown. So far we have not seen seed setting on this variety. The leaves decompose quickly after fall.
’Rebella’ is well suited for streets in cities and parks as well as for private gardens.
Because of the size of the tree ’Rebella’ ist best suited for gardens. The resistance against Dutch Elm Disease (Ophiostoma novo-ulmi) is very high.
Protected by plant breeder’s rights in the E.U. since 7.3.2011.
References + Downloads
• References: ULMUS ’Rebella’ overview
• Product Sheet: ULMUS ’Rebella’ (PDF, 2,4 MB)
• Download Area: other brochures and languages